
Thursday, July 19, 2012

New Today- 7.19

I've been eyeing that fabric up there all week. I took a photo and kept checking to make sure I like it. It's $20/yard, so I didn't want to go buying it on a whim. Today I did it. It was slightly on sale, so I bought 2 yards. Either it will remain as it is and be a lovely blanket, or I will cut it up for a sweet jacket. 

A friend of mine uses free cycle and snatched up a bunch of kid patterns for me. My oh my, I want this in a big girl size. Too bad my curves will do horrible things to this dress! Anyone know a size 6 little one I can give my first dress to? I need a tester!


  1. lovely fabric & patterns!

    is size 6 the same as age 6? my little sister is 6! :)


  2. a friend at work has two adorable little girls. I think the older one is probably a size six at this point. She would totally be open to pictures. :-)



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