
Sunday, July 15, 2012

Etsy Finds- Crunching Leaves

The weather here is crazy. My life before moving to the bay included Seasons. Memories were filed into seasons from very early on, though admittedly at first there was just SUMMER and SCHOOL. But now, when I recall events they fall into categories based on when they happened and the way my brain processed that was seasonal. A fair share of my most joyous memories are autumn ones. It gets chilly outside so there are camp fires, scarves, crunchy leaves and hearty meals. The weather here has been like this for the last couple of days. I am wearing sweaters and considering putting on my heater. 

It makes me feel very cut off from my friends back east, and well, friends everywhere but here. I see photos of ice cream and shorts and I'm left feeling like my summer was robbed from me. It's crazy, but I long for one day of oppressive heat to remind me why living here has been so fantastic.

Anyway, these chilly days have me longing for autumn; the colors and smells. And so while surfing etsy, those autumn items are what are catching my eye, allowing me a tiny fantasy of that seasonal way of life.

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