
Thursday, February 14, 2013


Valentines Day plans are simple this year. Work, clean, cook. I may even make a card... but let's not push it.
John and I consider ourselves extremely frugal; which I love and hate. But, on days like today, I'm grateful if I'll find a bouquet on the table, where in my youth I'd think he was stingy or didn't REALLY love me.

We've been rocked this week. We had our next steps planned out until a friend of ours, very much in a tone of love and concern, expressed that we might be getting ahead of ourselves. It's been a lot of emotional honesty this past week, which is good and draining. And on top of that, I've been having a mild cold/allergy attack that is bringing on lots of fatigue. So, dear friend, please pray for us and clarity for the steps ahead. 

Hope you are having a sweet day.

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