
Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Annie's Goddess Dressing Substitute Recipe

I fell in love with this dressing in college, when I didn't really mind spending money on expensive dressing because I worked in a restaurant where I ate a lot for free.

The last time I went shopping, I splurged and bought some Annie's Goddess dressing (and by splurged, I mean, I spent $5 on 8 oz). But I was REALLY disappointed. I don't know if they changed the recipe, but something was off. I couldn't/can't put my finger on it. I tried adding soy sauce, garlic salt and more vinegar, but nothing worked.

So, I found this recipe. I had to change it a tad, as I bought tahini instead of seasame seeds and used only what I had on hand.

My version: (all in tablespoons because i didn't want to dirty another measuring utensil. dishes are on the weekend to-do)
3 Tbs soy sauce
2 Tbs lime juice
4 Tbs apple cider vinegar
5 Tbs sesame oil
2 Tbs olive oil
8 oz. container of tahini
1 garlic clove, crushed or finely minced
2 tbs dried parsley

Whisk all ingredients together. I poured it into my olive oil bottle that I had emptied on this recipe. Works perfectly. The recipe makes roughly 16 oz.

This truly was spot on to the dressing I was craving, and while it's a bit of work to make, you won't be disappointed.


  1. Hey there! Sorry about that :(. The Organic dressing can taste a little bit different than the Natural dressing, which might have explained the change. There's also the light dressing, which you might have grabbed? Get in touch with our Consumer Relations team, they'd be happy to help you out -

  2. @Bernie,
    Thank you! I bought the natural dressing. Maybe I wanted the organic?
    I'll check it out next time around.


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