
Thursday, July 5, 2012

Janelle Haskin

Cat Brooch

Infinity Shawl



Janelle's crochet is so fabulous. I own a cat and a hat from her lovely shop. (I didn't mean to go all dr. suess there. I'm just telling it like it is.) And I love that she really has a full array of goods for every season. 

We met at Art Star Craft Bazaar while sharing a booth for our Handmade in PA Etsy team. She has such a sweet disposition and loves making friends, so I was drawn to her right away. It was SILLY COLD the summer day of Art Star, so Janelle kindly handed John and me some scarfs and hats to keep warm. Here she is, modelling one:

Mini Infinity Scarf

 You may recognize her from my shop too, as she has modeled for me a few times. You can check out her Etsy shop, here.

1 comment:

  1. I crocheted for a while, but haven't in years. Lately I've been getting all domestic and wanting to pick it up again. I want to make little animal brooches! :)


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