
Friday, July 27, 2012

Bell Pepper Egg Rings Recipe

I don't know if you guys have been seeing these photos floating around of a lovely egg-in-pepper meal.

I was inspired by a photo a family member posted on facebook, so this morning I decided to try it myself!

I love omelets for breakfast, but to be honest, it just ends up an egg scramble with cheese. I use WAY too many veggies, so one egg won't hold it. This pepper ring worked perfectly; held everything together.

Ingredients: (serves 2)
1 bell pepper
2 mushrooms
2 green onions
1 small roma tomato
1 slice deli cheese (I used havarti and it was awesome)
2 eggs

Slice the top and bottom off the pepper. Cut remaining pepper in half so you have 2 pepper rings. Chop remaining bits of pepper. No little bit will go unused in this house. I love bell peppers.
Slice tomato, onions and mushrooms.
Lightly oil a skillet over medium heat. Add peppers, onions and mushrooms and saute for 2 minutes. Place pepper rings on skillet and using a spoon, place sauteed mixture into the rings. 
Break an egg over each.Add 2 tbs of water to pan and cover with a lid. Steam for 3 minutes. 
Add tomatoes on top and cover them with 1/2 slice of cheese each. Cover again and cook another minute or 2 until the cheese has melted. 
Salt and pepper to taste.

I like a runny yolk. If you'd like a harder egg, leave it steaming for an extra 2-3 minutes. (Make sure you steam, not just heat it. Otherwise it will burn!)

I served mine with sourdough and strawberries. I love starting the day without carbo loading (I save THAT for snack time!) because I have a lot more energy for the beginning of the work day.

topped with sriracha because it's the best hot sauce EVER

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