
Monday, June 4, 2012

Our Tiny Living Room

I am the type of person who refuses to leave their furniture alone. I have rearranged each room 2-3 times and we've only been here 10 months. I haven't found the perfect placement for everything yet, and until I do, you can bet I'll be moving things again.

Our last name is Cannon, hence this little guy.

Freshly picked from our backyard.

This tiny bookshelf is perfect for shoes.

My grandfather carved this pup with a chainsaw as our wedding present.

This is my favorite spot in the house.

This is our living room's 3rd stage. It's been like this for a few months, but I have finally been able to organize the little things. The side tables keep trading spots and finding new items, but when I finally placed the last change on Saturday, I really felt like things fit. For now.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, you have such a beautiful house! I love the dog your grandpa carved for you.


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