
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Fingernail Inspiration

This cute necklace that I have been eyeing for quite some time has inspired me! I went out and bought Wet'n'Wild "I need a refresh-mint" and "Sugar Coat" and with a little bit of tape gave myself a mani. Sadly they didn't have gold polish, so I settled for a soft pink.. kind of like the shirt she styled the necklace with in the listing.

I love having my nails painted. It makes me feel made-up at all times; even days I don't shower. So, three cheers for nail polish... ! I don't hear you cheering, but I'll let it slide.

Dianna has a whole bunch of fabulous jewelry, so go check her out!


  1. Awww such a cute pattern. Man you also have beautiful nail! I'm rather jealous. I can't keep mine much past the fingre due to the nature of my typing job.
    But I love them!

  2. @Teaka, Thank you! They never really get in my way unless I play the guitar. That's the only time I get fed up and cut them short, but as you can see it's been about a month since I last played. They grow quickly!

  3. I squealed over your nails when I saw them on Instagram. So clever + cute!

  4. Gracious, me! I don't even know what to say! I LOVE LOVE LOVE your mani, Kasey, and I'm totally beside myself that my necklace inspired it! =)

    To go full circle, my mint craze started when I met Miss Jess and swooned over her Minted nails...we bonded over that mint polish, and the rest is history!

    Love this post, doll! Thanks for the shout-out! xoxo


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