
Friday, April 6, 2012

New Today- 4.6.12

Around our place today you will find 2 new things; a bundle of fresh flowers (weeds?) collected from around our apartment complex and a brand new-to-me sewing machine from the 1950's. It's a knee-pump machine which I never knew existed and it still sews like a dream. I haven't quite figured out all the knobs and stitching disks yet, but maybe I'll have a chance to play with it this weekend.

A friend and I were out at a thrift store yesterday and we gave it a once over before heading out. And while letting my eyes wander I spotted a pastel green box with a handle shoved underneath a cart stacked high with shoes and electronics. I went to it straight away and plopped myself down on the floor to inspect it. It is hands-down my most glorious thrift store find. The sewing machine, I believe, has ever been used. Everything was accounted for and in perfect condition, well that is, everything but the foot pedal. I scanned through the instructions and the cart and found no trace of the pedal because this machine doesn't use one. It has a lever which you place next to your knee. When you push the lever away from you, the machine runs. It's wild.

And the best part is that the machine was $20. The worst part is that it's easily 30 lbs, has sharp medal corners and had to be carried home once purchased.

Totally worth it.


  1. wow, that is one gorgeous find! love the color of the machine.

  2. that is so cool!!!! I love a good thrift store find, how special!

  3. Oh goodness what a fun find! I have a vintage sewing machine too from the 50's and it worked like a dream till the bobbin winder quit working. I still need to get it fixed.
    I found you through Etsy and I just wanted to say your clothing is super super cute! Love your work! :D

  4. These photos are great! I'm new here... browsing around and decided to comment instead of lurk. :) I LOVE the look and feel of your blog so far- off to check out some more! Happy week, sugar! xo


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