
Monday, April 30, 2012

New Today- 4.30.12

Around the house today you will find a teeny fragrant rose and 2 new fabrics for some lace tops in the shop.

Today John went out to the PO for me. I have been quite the busy lady, so him doing that saved me such a headache. On his way back he picked a rose for me off of the neighbors bush that hangs over our fence. It's tiny and cute and smells incredible. I would say that having fresh flowers to look at is one of those simple pleasures that really boost my mood. So, I'm grateful to live in a place where wild flowers and neighbors neglected bushes are so abundant.

While I was walking to the grocery, I hoped into the fabric store to check out their lace and found they had some lovely spring colors. I was able to pick up some lavender and some mint. Gorgeous for the Spring season.

This month alone, I have made over 60 items, given myself 8 eye strain induced migraines and have only taken off completely for 4 days. I am proud of myself for what I have accomplished and will be gifting myself (and John) a 3 day weekend. Now, I just have to make it through this week. ;)

Thanks to everyone who has made April such a successful month for me. I appreciate you SO MUCH.



  1. Sounds like a awesome month for you, taking away the eye strains and migraines. Those laces are so lovely! Can't wait to see what you create out of them!

  2. I would like a lace dress please! :)


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